Saturday, April 27, 2013

Floor Results


Repeat Lactate

For other studies: see ED results

Post Intubation CXR

Floor ABG

Arterial Blood Gas

Lab                  Value              Range            

pH                   7.1                   7.35-7.45
PaO2               80                    80-100
PaCO2             32                    35-45
HCO3              14                    22-26
BE                   -4                     -2 - +2
K                      4.5                   3.5-5
CO                   2%                  <6%

Repeat Lactate (floor encounter)


Lab                  Value              Range

Lactate            4.6       < 2 mMol/L

Floor pulse ox

Pulse Ox: 88% on 6L/min of O2

Floor encounter vitals

Vital Signs:
T = 38.9
RR = 24
HR = 124
BP = 100/50,
O2 = 88% on 6L/min

ED Chest XRay

UD Urinalysis


Lab                  Value              Range            

SpecG              1.039              1.01-1.03
Protein           1+                    negative
LeukEst          neg                  negative
nitrites            neg                  negative
Bili                   neg                  negative


Liver Function Panel

Lab                  Value              Range            

T bili               0.5                   0.2-0.7
B ind               0.1                   <0.2
B dir                0.3                   <0.5
Alb                  3.2                   1.0-4.0
ALT                 42                    10-40
AST                 27                    5-25
AlkP                45                    30-70
Protein           7.1                   6.5-7.5

ED Blood Culture

Blood Culture

Specimen Received on 3/23/2012
Adequate sample

No Growth at 1 hour

Results will be posted as available


Pregnancy Test

Lab                  Value              Range

B-HCG             <5                    50-1500         Early pregnancy


Arterial Blood Gas

Lab                  Value              Range            

pH                   7.2                   7.35-7.45
PaO2               98                    80-100
PaCO2             32                    35-45
HCO3              16                    22-26
BE                   -4                     -2 - +2
K                      4.2                   3.5-5
CO                   2%                  <6%

ED Lactate


Lab                  Value              Range

Lactate            hemolyzed       < 2 mMol/L


Complete Blood Count

Lab                  Value              Range            

RBC                 3.2                   4-6 M/mcl
WBC                14.6                 4.5-10 K/mcl
Plt                    268                 140-450k/mcl
Hgb                 9.5                   12-17gm/dL
Hct                  28                    36-50%
MCV                72                    80-95 femtoliter

Differential: pending

ED Chem

Basic Metabolic Panel

Lab                  Value              Range            

Na                   134                 132-142
K                      4.3                   3.4-5.0
Cl                     102                 95-106
Glu                  108                 80-110
BUN                40                    <7.5
Cr                    1.2                   0.3-1.3

ED Triage

Adult Patient presents via personal vehicle

CC: Cough, shortness of breath and “feeling run down”

Vital Signs:
T = 38.9
RR = 24
HR = 94
BP = 100/50,
O2 = 92% on room air